воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.


When you tap the QuickPoint button, a drop-down list appears, showing each point feature type that is defined in the data dictionary of the open file. Carlson SurvCE combines superior More information. Disable functionality to ensure maximum field productivity and eliminate potential configuration errors. An accurate position is calculated by using four satellites. In the Use Accuracy-based Logging field, select whether the calculated estimated accuracy determines whether the GNSS position is logged. This screen shows a list of all the features in the data dictionary: trimble pathfinder office 5.3

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Satellite availability is optimal. No - Select this option to disable the confirmation message. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. The Skyplot screen appears when you start up the TerraSync software. Esri s ArcPad vs.


How does it More information. You will receive a direct dial phone number and an trlmble to contact dedicated Priority Support staff to access the help you need immediately. Furthermore, weather patterns in the troposphere can be different at the base and rover receivers. Configure these before leaving the office, or in the field.

Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office Software

The base station determines what errors the satellite data contains. Published October, More information.

MrSID is protected by U. As the software logs GNSS positions, the counter beside the logging icon increments, as shown below: This problem can be bypassed using a dual-frequency trimmble.

If the GNSS receiver is tracking four satellites and then loses lock on a satellite that passes behind an obstruction, then you must wait for the receiver to regain that satellite before you can continue to log 3D positions.

trimble pathfinder office 5.3

You can move between sections at any time without closing any open forms or screens. The number beside the icon indicates how many positions have been logged for the selected feature. Uses satellites and computers to compute positions anywhere on Earth.

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Note Try to keep the antenna still during these next steps. The Section list button shows offcie section that is currently active. Post as a guest Name. Use the Data section to do this. In the Postprocessing Base Distance field, select the estimated distance to the base station that will be used during postprocessing.

trimble pathfinder office 5.3

Preprogrammed almanacs suffer over time, as Trkmble are set operational and not operational, and as SVs' orbits drift. If you are using accuracy-based logging, the required accuracy is also displayed in this field. Familiarity with changing More information. If the source it is currently using becomes unavailable, the TerraSync software switches to the next choice.

Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office 5.85

Other receivers rovers then use this corrected GPS information to eliminate error trjmble their measurements. If necessary, enter the correct antenna height, antenna type and measurement point and then tap OK. Note The geoid height equals the separation between the geoid and the ellipsoid. April 1 Executive Summary Purpose The goal of this document. New in this release. Atmospheric delay is largest during the heat of the day when ionospheric activity is greatest.

Note The prefix that you define in this field is for rover files only. If you selected Time from the Style list, enter the number of seconds between logging positions, or select an existing value from the list.

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